PP Worksheet
PP Phenomena
Help File
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Main Timer: Main timer interface displays 4 contact times, Max Eclipse Time, and has a countdown timer for totality.
GPS Data: Geolocation to automatically find coordinates and calculate contact times. Tap one button to enter them into the timers.
Settings: Two demo programs that load contact times for your practices sessions. One has a built-in totality video.
Totality Video: Totality practice demo plays a real totality video synchronized with the timer functions.
Partial Phase Sequence: Incredible Feature!Based on your contact times automatically calculates the interval times you should use take 10 equally spaced partial phase pictures before and after totality to create a beautiful sequence.
Complete Help File: Extensive help file built into the app. Setup reminders, instructions, partial phase phenomena education all combined with the app

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Path of Totality:  This screen has three functioning hyperlinks to interactive path maps.  If you have data service, you can get on-line and know where the path is.
Time Label:  Most people will time the eclipse in Local Time. Some astronomers will time the eclipse in UTC.  This screen allows you to change the label on the main screen.
New Eclipse Data: There is the ability to save information about your observing location.
New Eclipse Data: Enter information in the fields. The contact times, max eclipse time, duration and coordinates and time label are entered automatically.
Eclipse Data:  There is the ability to save multiple files about multiple observing locations.
Complete Help File: The help file includes sections on general eclipse setup, important issues about device setup as well as extensive app help.

Accuracy - Smart Phone Technology Is Amazing!
Results of my personal testing with the app just South of Nashville on the path edge
Testing devices: iPhone 6, iPhone 7, iPad Mini 4

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Left:  Path of Totality Just South Of Nashville:  The city of Nashville is in the path.  Totality duration at city center is 1 min 54.7 sec.
Center:  Parking Lot on the Southern Path Edge:  I tested on the path edge in a large church parking lot just South of Nashville.
Right:  Tight View of the Southern Path Edge:  The app and the devices were accurate to within 40 feet of the path edge on either side!  When in the path (green check) the calculations on the devices were within 0.1 seconds of the interactive map times.  It was correctly calculating down to a 4-second totality duration!  Amazing!  The device geolocation during these tests was probably very accurate and very fast due to cell tower triangulation and the other tricks that cell phones use to locate in a data rich environment.

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Totality Observer
A Fun and Interesting Game For The Children!
To Help Inspire Everyone To See This Eclipse!
 Get To The Path!
(Free Game, No Ads)

Totality Observer:  For the children and just for fun, I developed a game called Totality Observer
Object Of The Game:  Your child is guiding an eclipse tour and must move the clouds out of the way to allow the guest's eyeballs to see totality. Great fun and it keeps score
How To Play: Tapping the screen speeds up the clouds to help get them out of the way. It gets harder as the game continues, more eyeballs appear and they travel faster

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Solar Eclipse Timer
(The Only Eclipse "Talking" Timer)

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Solar Eclipse
Totality Observer

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